You begin a match by selecting a class, and for the most part they are the typical online FPS war game tropes: heavy Machine gunner, rifleman, sniper, etc. will be added, and what’s already here will be more polished. It should be said that these impressions are based on the Closed Beta version of the game, so any features or issues mentioned here are subject to change in the finished release. Rising Storm 2 takes place in the dense jungles of the Vietnam War, and though the trappings have changed, the soul o f Red Orchestra lives on. Developed by Antimatter Games with support from Tripwire Interactive and co-published by Tripwire Interactive and Iceberg Interactive Rising Storm 2 is a tactical FPS that continues the tradition of Red Orchestra in a very different setting. The lack of crosshairs, very little on-screen information, and one shot kills attracted many fans away from the more traditional bullet sponge, action focused shooters of the time.įast forward more than a decade, a few expansions, and a sequel later, and that hardcore tradition continues with Rising Storm 2. Though the idea of a World War II FPS wasn’t new, the game’s emphasis on realism was. After winning the NVIDIA Make Something Unreal Contest they released a little game called Red Orchestra: Combined Arms on Steam. Tripwire Interactive began as a team of modders specializing in the Unreal Engine. To understand what Rising Storm 2 is all about, it’s useful to look at the legacy of the company that created it.